...Typical Daily Activities...
Children are greeted and invited to play in any area that interests them.
A short sharing time during which attendance is taken and children are introduced to new materials.
Activity time is when different learning centers are set up for individual / small group learning. For example:
The math area will have games/projects involving numbers, sets, shapes, etc.
The perception small group will usually have puzzles, peg boards and similar activities designed to stimulate their visual acuity.
Art activities, typically includes painting, coloring, cutting, pasting and similar fun and educational activities.
Snack Table: Of course this is a favorite every day, with 6 chairs at the table for children to sit and enjoy a snack when they're hungry.
Science/Social Studies: Various units of study are offered during the year that may involve field trips to enhance their knowledge of science, social studies and other educational subjects.
A quiet time for stories, finger plays, poems and puzzles enriches each day.​​
Music is an important and fun part of each day as children and teachers sing songs, play simple instruments and utilize recordings. In addition, once a week our music teacher "Mrs. Music" visits each class.
Children participate in indoor and outdoor activities as part of their movement education.
And finally, children help to clean up after each activity and gather together near the end of the day for dismissal.